速報APP / 家庭 / Tamil Nursery Rhymes

Tamil Nursery Rhymes





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖1)-速報App

Tamil Nursery rhymes is a perfect app for kids with which they can learn and enjoy few popular Tamil Rhymes. It has 15 Tamil rhymes which doesn't involve any live streaming. It can be used in offline mode once the app is downloaded.

The UI is simple and user-friendly as the intended users are KIDS :) Auto-play is enabled so that it plays as soon as one rhyme is over. There are also features like ‘Pause/Play’, ’Play Next’ and ‘Play Previous’. The song can be paused at anytime so that parents can learn and teach the lyrics to the kids :)

Following are the list of rhymes included:

Amma ingae vaa vaa

Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖2)-速報App

dam dam dum dum katcheri

dho dho naai kutti

dosai amma dosai

engal veetu poonai

Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖3)-速報App

kaai kaai


kai veesamma kai veesu

kulla kulla vaathu

Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖4)-速報App

mambazham aam maambazham

Vellai muyal

Nila nila odi vaa

odi vilayadu papa

Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖5)-速報App

saaindhadu amma

yaanai yaanai

Tamil Nursery Rhymes(圖6)-速報App